Little Known Facts About Shaolin

When you hear “Shaolin,” you probably think of the iconic style of Chinese martial arts. From the famous, 1982, Jet Li film Shaolin Temple, to modern entertainment like Kung Fu Panda, the name of Shaolin Kung Fu is known all over the world! Let’s take a look at some facts about Shaolin that you might not…

kung fu

MMA – North vs South Kung Fu

Chinese martial arts have a wide range of styles and can be categorized in different ways, such as by religion (like Taoist, Buddhist, or Islamic) or by their major applications (kicking, hitting, wrestling, or grabbing). But one of the biggest dividing lines is geographical; as a country with one of the most diverse climates and…

MMA – Kung Fu Norte Vs Sur

Las artes marciales tienen un amplio rango de estilos que pueden ser categorizados de diferentes maneras, como puede ser la religión (como Taoísta, budista o islámica) o por su principales aplicaciones (patear, golpear, luchar o agarrar). Pero una de las mayores líneas divisorias es la geografía; como es un país con uno de los climas…