Top Muscular MMA Fighters

To make it in the big leagues, you need skill, physical strength, and stamina. To intimidate your MMA opponents, a ripped bod is a great place to start. Here are some of the most muscular men in the sport today. Anthony Kewoa Johnson Officially retired from the Octagon, ‘Rumble’ Johnson was known for brutal knockouts…

The Worst Tattoos in MMA

Don’t get us wrong – most, if not all of these professional fighters are highly-skilled, strategic, and intelligent when it comes to the Octagon. But when it comes to their choice of body art, several decisions seem questionable. Think you’ve seen it all? Well, here are some of the worst MMA tattoos to date. Anti-Government?…

MMA of the Gods?

The concept of mixed martial arts is far older than most people think. Full-contact fighting with competitors coming from several disciplines, and an emphasis on submission? That description is actually a perfect fit for pankration, an ancient Greek martial art dating back to 648 BC! If you are interested in practicing MMA, click here to…

The History of Judo

What do you know about judo, one of the world’s oldest grappling martial arts? The family of Japan’s diverse set of martial arts is only around half a millennium old, all borne out of the ancient discipline Takenouchi-Ryu, the forerunner of jujutsu. Jujutsu and its tenets would eventually develop into a separate martial art, judo.…